At Swampfox Optics, we strive to make the return process as seamless as possible for our valued customers. If you would like to return an item, please first refer to our Return Policy to see applicable options for your particular situation.

If your item is defective and you are seeking a warranty replacement, please click here to visit our Warranty Portal.

If your item was purchased in the last 30 days through our direct website, we will simply require your email and order number to proceed with a return for exchange or refund.

Click here to start your return

If you are outside the 30-day window of purchase, if you did not purchase directly through our website, or should you encounter any issues with this process, do not hesitate to reach out to us at support@swampfoxoptics.com. Our team is here to assist you in any way we can.


A Colorado company, born on the 4th of July, 2018

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